Sep 10, 2017
Daan Utsav at ISDI

Come up with a 60 sec video on the ‘joy in giving’. Innovation, intent and presentation are going to be the key deciding factors here. Upload the video on YouTube and share the link with
- Maximum duration of the video has to be 60 seconds.
- Video needs to be submitted latest by September 20th, 2017.
- Maximum of 1 video submission for each individual.
- Every video needs to have Daan Utsav logo embedded in it
- Students of any Indian college are allowed to participate in the same.
- Prizes would be disbursed only post verification that the winner is actually associated with the mentioned college in the capacity of a student
- All participants are encouraged to also apply to the Fourth Ambit #DaanUtsav Film Making Contest. Please note that you will have to re-submit your entries in that contest as per the rules provided in the link above and complete all the other steps required. The top 2 winners at ISDI will automatically be shortlisted into the top 50 films for the Fourth Ambit contest.
Design a product/service to provide a solution of any of the country’s social issues. Innovation, practicality, intent and presentation are going to be the key deciding factors here. Submit your design to
- This is a team event with a maximum of 5 participants per team. Individual students can also participate.
- Your product/service idea can be presented as a document, presentation or a video. Maximum duration of the video showcasing the prototype has to be 3 minutes, and maximum length of a document/presentation is 10 pages/slides. Your entry needs to be submitted by 20th september, 2017 by email to
- Maximum of 1 submission per team.
- Only students of Indian colleges are allowed to participate in the same.
- Prizes would be disbursed only post verification that all members of the winning team are actually current students of the mentioned college.
All big initiatives start with a small idea. If you had one chance, what would be your best idea to bring about a social change? Submit a one pager detailing your idea for involving maximum number of ‘givers’ during #DaanUtsav 2017. Innovation and practicality are key here.
- This is a team event with a maximum of 5 participants per team. Individual students can also participate.
- Your idea can be a 1 page document or a video. Maximum duration of the video showcasing the prototype has to be 3 minutes. Your entry needs to be submitted by 20th september, 2017 by email to
- Maximum of 1 submission per team.
- Only students of Indian colleges are allowed to participate in the same.
- Prizes would be disbursed only post verification that all members of the winning team are actually current students of the mentioned college.